
Select the Project Team

Selecting the project team covers:

  • indviduals in the core team comprising client, constructor and consultants
  • 2nd tier suppliers.

The objective is to select people who understand partnering and are willing to work in a collaborative way.

“Select the Project Team” continued…

Project Process

This toolkit does not contain guidance on generic project processes; there is a wealth of such information published elsewhere. It deals with the special circumstances that arise when the project is constructed under a framework.

“Project Processes” continued…

Key Performance Indicators

Getting started on measuring and benchmarking has never been easier:

  • key performance indicators
  • benchmarking
  • resources to get started and make it work.

“Key Performance Indicators”…

Project Review

Learn from the experience

  • Monitor the project right up to conclusion.
  • Carry out a post-completion review of the project (see OPERATING AND MAINTAINING).
  • Ensure the review covers all relevant issues.

“Project Review” continued…

Go to next project?

If the team works well together, and is successful, then keep it together for the next project.

This is where frameworking succeeds and the traditional method of contracting one project at a time falls down. Assuming you have another project in the pipeline, you can immediately:

  • identify what you would do differently next time and why
  • repeat what you did well
  • improve on what you did badly.

Continue to “Operating and Maintaining”