This toolkit does not contain guidance on generic project processes; there is a wealth of such information published elsewhere. It deals with the special circumstances that arise when the project is constructed under a framework.
How does frameworking make a difference? It creates the ideal working environment for fulfilling the ambitious agenda for change in Rethinking Construction, which is to make annual reductions of 10% in construction cost and time and 20% in defects, by:
- integrating the four key elements in the process – product development, project implementation, partnering the supply chain and production of components
- providing decent working conditions
- improving management and supervisory skills
- developing long-term relationships based on clear measurement of performance and sustained improvements in quality and efficiency.
Integrating the key elements:
- Integration
- Open-book management
- Value management
- Value engineering
- Knowledge management
Decent working conditions:
- Respect for People
- Workplace organisation
Long-term relationships:
- Supply chain management
- Supplier development
- KPIs
- Balanced score card
Sustained improvement in quality and efficiency:
- Business process re-engineering
- Workplace organisation
- Value stream management
- Production control
- Synchronisation
- Achieving continuous improvement