Why Do We Focus On Days & Pounds?

Constructing Excellence

Author: John Handscomb, Partner at Akerlof and Project Lead for the Market Enablers Workstream

I have long been an advocate of balanced scorecards and giving definition within a tender and then contract to more than just cost and time but this is generally not industry practice particularly once you get past the big government departments and even they struggle to understand and administer it.  I only ever read on industry media about projects being late or over budget, never the fact that they were late but they reduced carbon emissions by 80% and created 1,000 jobs.  Carbon and jobs or any point of social value only get reported if a job is on time and stays on budget (not fast or slow or cheap or expensive but just on forecast).

The work of the Value Tool Kit is to give greater definition to what society values and to create methods and mechanisms for wider value to be understood, values and measured. The Value Tool Kit will also need to work and be accepted emotionally and by society and its metrics need to carry equal weight as a day or a pound otherwise, it will always be secondary.

Not an easy task but one that has Industry and government backing, energy and desire.

 We are committed to making the Tool Kit accepted and have value beyond another new process.

Get Involved

I don’t have all the answers but I’m a firm believer in the fact that human behaviours play’s a bigger part than process even though I have worked in a process driven industry all my life.  We need to hear your views and opinions.  We will be discussing this with through targeted stakeholder workshops and roundtables.  Join us at the Constructing Excellence Members Forum 20 October or email [email protected] or [email protected]

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