Press Release – New Co-Chairs of Constructing Excellence

Constructing Excellence

Constructing Excellence today announced that Phil Wilbraham, Mark Farmer and David Whysall will succeed Murray Rowden as Co-Chairs with immediate effect.

Phil Wilbraham is Director of Expansion for Heathrow Airport Ltd, where he has worked for over 15 years as a champion of collaborative working and intelligent client capability. Phil is also a leading member of the Infrastructure and Project Authority’s Infrastructure Clients Group.

Mark Farmer is Founding Director of Cast Consultancy and the author of Modernise or Die, the independent Review of the UK Construction Labour Model published by the Construction Leadership Council in October 2016. This report challenged the sector to do things differently through embracing innovation in delivery models which reduce both waste and the demand for increasingly scarce traditional on-site labour.

David Whysall sits on the UK Board of Turner & Townsend where he is Head of National Cost and Commercial services and runs its Infrastructure Business across the South of the UK. Between 2008-2010 he was chair of G4C, the Generation for Change next generation movement of Constructing Excellence. In this capacity he worked with Andrew Wolstenholme OBE in authoring CE’s 2010 report Never Waste a Good Crisis.

Don Ward, chief executive of Constructing Excellence commented: “Following our merger with BRE we are delighted to announce the new leadership of our organization, and I look forward to working with them all to lead and support the sector in a period of major opportunity for sector transformation.”

Outgoing chairman Murray Rowden said: “I am delighted that Phil, Mark and David have accepted our invitations to take over the leadership of Constructing Excellence. With their strengths in infrastructure, housing, offsite and performance measurement, and strong links with government initiatives, they are ideally placed to drive growth in our influence, profile and participation including membership.”

Don Ward also put on record his gratitude to Murray Rowden for his leadership and support as Chairman. “Murray worked tirelessly to further our aims and has revitalized the organisation through his leadership. He has ‘walked the talk’ of industry change and development of the younger generation, and I am personally delighted that he has agreed to remain closely involved in our work and to take over the leadership of our international arm.”

– ends –

Notes to editors

  1. Constructing Excellence is the not-for-profit best practice and knowledge transfer organisation and nationwide movement which champions excellence through collaboration in the built environment sector. In 2016 Constructing Excellence became part of the BRE (Building Research Establishment) Trust’s group of companies.
  2. Murray Rowden is Global Head of Infrastructure and Managing Director Americas for Turner & Townsend. He has been Chairman of Constructing Excellence since January 2015 and now succeeds Ian Reeves CBE of Synaps LLP as International Chairman of Constructing Excellence from his base in New York.
  3. Previous chairmen of Constructing Excellence since 2003 were Peter Rogers CBE, Bob White, Vaughan Burnand, Ian Reeves CBE, and Murray Rowden.

For further information please contact Linda McKeown, BRE,
email [email protected].



CE press release – new co chairs – June 2017

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