Constructing Excellence Major Projects Group


*Invite only event* The Constructing Excellence Major Projects group will be meeting to feed back on the key points from the Constructing Excellence Annual Conference and how we, as a major projects group, can build on this key learning to address the challenge of delivering a better future for the industry.  If you are interested in joining us … Continue reading "Constructing Excellence Major Projects Group"

Innovation Exchange Group


The built environment and construction industry face constant external and internal challenges that require a systemic approach to innovation to turn these challenges into opportunity. Innovation is vital to driving continuous improvement and to achieve our net zero ambitions, although it often suffers from hype with a lot of noise and a lack of implementation. … Continue reading "Innovation Exchange Group"

Retrofit Net-Zero Building Regulatory Science and Data Network for Unlocking Adoption of Innovation (RetroNetZero)


Net-zero ambition, and regulation is driving significant activity in innovation around solutions for retrofitting UK buildings. For SMEs, innovators of step change or new approaches the established system of standards, tests and approval routes may be unclear, or they do not fit: presenting a significant barrier to adoption of innovation for use in the market. … Continue reading "Retrofit Net-Zero Building Regulatory Science and Data Network for Unlocking Adoption of Innovation (RetroNetZero)"