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Retrofit Net-Zero Building Regulatory Science and Data Network for Unlocking Adoption of Innovation (RetroNetZero)

10 May, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm BST

Net-zero ambition, and regulation is driving significant activity in innovation around solutions for retrofitting UK buildings. For SMEs, innovators of step change or new approaches the established system of standards, tests and approval routes may be unclear, or they do not fit: presenting a significant barrier to adoption of innovation for use in the market. An evidence-based, data driven regulatory science solution is proposed that utilizes a far-reaching industry network to present a pathway for innovators to deploy their technologies and systems in the retrofit of UK buildings.

Join us on 10th May to find out more about this initiative funded by Innovate UK and delivered by a partnership of BRE, Constructing Excellence, National Retrofit Hub, National Energy Foundation, Planet Mark and Construction Products Association. Find out more about the program, how you can get involve and help us overcome the barriers to delivering net zero retrofit at scale.