New Theme Group: Energy Transition Community of Practice

Constructing Excellence

Net Zero is perhaps the greatest challenge facing humanity. The need to transition from Hydrocarbon-based energy to renewable and sustainable sources is critical to the future survival of the planet. This has been accelerated by Geo-Political events that are highlighting the inherent supply risks around reliance on hydrocarbons and pushing governments across the world to speed up their net zero targets.

Construction needs to consider how to best deliver large projects and overcome challenges we’ve seen from previous endeavours in this area. This will take a shift in mindset and behaviours within the industry. Therefore, Constructing Excellence and ECI have established a community of practice involving the broadest spectrum of Net Zero participating organisations focussing on driving continual productivity improvement in the delivery of energy transition projects.


The community endeavours to bring together existing approaches, signpost the great work taking place around skills, technology and innovation and consider how these can be harnessed to unlock the productivity gains that are crucial to achieving Net Zero.


  • Collate and coordinate best practice in project execution making it relevant and relatable to those delivering energy transition projects.
  • Inspire participants with leading practice and innovation and collectively explore how lessons learnt can be applied across energy transition challenges.
  • Collectively explore how tools and processes can be applied in the context of net zero delivery productivity, helping members understand how to use them.
  • Bring together the whole construction value chain to explore how their decisions and actions impact across the delivery of energy transition projects.

The work that takes place in this Community of Practice will be collaborative and interactive, often using our Energy Transition Miro board to share and record ideas. See below for what we’re working on now…

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