A verification scheme designed to improve value, reduce risk and achieve net zero through construction frameworks and framework alliances.
About Constructing the Gold Standard
‘Constructing the Gold Standard’ describes an integrated and collaborative approach to the procurement, contracting and management of frameworks and framework alliances. The government have undertaken to implement all its recommendations.
In 2021 Professor David Mosey CBE was asked by Cabinet Office to carry out an Independent Review of Public Sector Construction Frameworks. The Gold Standard was endorsed in the September 2022 update of the ‘Construction Playbook’.
Over 2,000 public sector construction frameworks are currently active, some of which deliver improved value and enable excellent project outcomes while others are less ambitious and less successful. Constructing the Gold Standard sets out 24 recommendations to help clients identify what questions they should ask when creating and implementing construction frameworks and framework alliances, what answers they should expect and how they can make informed decisions.
Find out more about the Constructing the Gold Standard
Below you will find more information about the scheme as well as a list of organisations that have been verified as compliant with the Gold Standard recommendations.
About the Scheme
The scheme verifies the claims made by framework providers and by those clients who procure their own frameworks or framework alliances, and it provides a measure of quality for clients who use frameworks and framework alliances and for suppliers who bid for frameworks and framework alliances. The scheme establishes Partial Verification and Full Verification.
All public sector providers of construction frameworks and all public sector clients who procure their own frameworks or framework alliances are eligible to apply to the scheme.
Applications for verification are made via Constructing Excellence accompanied by a written commitment to adopt Gold Standard frameworks, framework contracts and action plans. Applicants are subject to approval by the Gold Standard Task Group.
Get in touch to request a copy of the scheme documents.
About the Gold Standard Task Group
Constructing Excellence has established a Task Group drawn from framework providers, clients, advisers, suppliers and government stakeholders to explore how to improve value, reduce risk and achieve net zero through Gold Standard construction frameworks and framework alliances.
Governance of Constructing the Gold Standard Verification resides with the Task Group. All submissions to the scheme are reviewed by the Task Group. See here, for a full list of task group members.
A panel of Independent Verifiers are appointed with the approval of the Gold Standard Task Group based on their willingness, their independence and their hands-on experience in procuring frameworks that have Gold Standard features.
Verification Process
- The applicant will complete a Questionnaire which will be the basis for initial feedback from an approved Independent Verifier with recommendations in respect of Partial Verification or in respect of rejection of the application, and which will be reviewed by the Gold Standard Task Group to identify any areas of concern or in need of particular focus during the Full Verification process.
- The Independent Verifier will then carry out Full Verification of the applicant’s processes and action plans to assess how they comply with the 24 Gold Standard recommendations and to recommend Full Verification or rejection of the application.
- The findings of the Full Verification process will then be reviewed by the Task Group who will recommend whether there is enough evidence to verify the applicant to the Gold Standard.
A list of Independent Verifiers will be available soon.
Apply to Join the Scheme
Please fill in this application form to register your organisation’s interest in joining the Constructing the Gold Standard Verification Scheme.
Who can apply to the Verification Scheme?
The Gold Standard Verification Scheme is designed for public sector frameworks and alliances. Any applicant should be a public sector body, namely a contracting authority or an organisation that is wholly owned and controlled by one or more contracting authorities. It is not appropriate for CE, the Task Group or Independent Verifiers to take on the cost and risk of investigating and concluding whether an applicant constitutes a public sector body, and the acceptance of an applicant onto the Verification Scheme should be based on representations made by the applicant. Verification does not relieve a client from satisfying itself as to the public sector status of a framework provider.
What about private sector framework managers?
If one or more contracting authorities operate a framework via a private sector organisation, the private sector organisation will be involved in the verification only as framework manager (for example, in terms of the value it provides under Gold Standard recommendation 6), but it will not itself be able to apply or be verified as a framework provider. In order to make clear this distinction, all communications and meetings with Constructing Excellence and the Independent Verifier must be undertaken only by officers of the public sector framework provider and not by officers of the private sector framework manager.
How much does it cost to participate in the Verification Scheme?
The cost of entrance into the scheme is included within Constructing Excellence National Membership. A fee for verification of £1,000 plus VAT is payable to Constructing Excellence for non-Constructing Excellence National Members. This fee does not include the costs of the Independent Verifier who is contracted directly by the applicant. Constructing Excellence has negotiated a separate fee of £1,000 plus VAT per day for Independent Verifiers (this is significantly below their market rate). Applicants should budget for 1-2 days for Partial Verification and up to 6 days for Full Verification.
How are Independent Verifiers appointed?
Once an application is made to the scheme, an Independent Verifier will be selected by Constructing Excellence based on their skillset and availability. A check on conflicts of interest will be carried out and then the Independent Verifier will be appointed directly by the applicant. The applicant will contract directly with the Independent Verifier.
How should a Gold Standard applicant demonstrate its use of an effective framework contract?
Applicants are required by Gold Standard recommendation 17 to demonstrate their use of an effective framework contract that will ‘integrate the mutual strategic commitments of framework providers, clients, managers and suppliers’ by incorporating :
- ‘An outcome-based strategic brief that drives economic, social and environmental value with strategic supplier proposals for delivering that brief
- Multi-party relationships that align objectives, success measures, targets and incentives with commitments to joint work on improving value and reducing risk
- Enterprise contract systems and a timetable of strategic actions that improve information, integration, value and outcomes, for example using MMC, digital technologies, ESI and Supply Chain Collaboration
- Transparent costing, call-off, performance measurement and incentives that provide a fair return for suppliers and drive value rather than a race to the bottom
- Framework management systems that support collaboration and dispute avoidance.’
The ways in which these features of a Gold Standard framework contract help to deliver the other Gold Standard recommendations are described in detail in Gold Standard Annex 4.
Is a Gold Standard applicant required to use the FAC-1 framework alliance contract?
A Gold Standard applicant is not required to use FAC-1, and not all the successful applicants are using FAC-1.
The Gold Standard brief included ‘standard contract terms that support the new gold standard’ , and Gold Standard recommendation 4 describes the benefits of a standard form framework contract as a means to ‘reduce procurement costs, improve value and reduce risks’.
FAC-1 is the standard form recommended in the ‘Construction Playbook’ but Gold Standard recommendation 4 states that ‘Construction contract bodies such as JCT and NEC may decide to develop their own published forms of framework alliance contract’.
An applicant that currently uses a bespoke framework contract may be successful if this bespoke form has the features described in recommendation 17 and if the applicant can demonstrate that it is actively assessing the benefits of a published form.