Never Waste a Good Crisis (Wolstenholme report)

Never Waste a Good Crisis (Wolstenholme report)

In 2009 a new report from Constructing Excellence authored by Andrew Wolstenholme was released. The report looked to determine the level of industry progress since Rethinking Construction and define the improvement agenda for the next decade. The Report found that whilst the industry was moving in the right direction, it had fallen well shorts of Egan’s targets. Both safety and profitability had taken reasonable steps forward, but progress on all other areas had been disappointing with an annual improvement of less than 3%. The ‘blockers’ identified were business models based on short term cycles, a fragmented industry, poor integration in the supply chain, and a lack of strategic commitment at senior management and Government levels. The review also set out a future agenda for UK construction, including some quick fixes, and identified one the greatest challenges for the sector as being the delivery of a built environment that supports the creation of a low carbon economy.

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