Why deliver it this way?
This is the second of three open seminars with suppliers. It focuses on WHY you want to construct the programme using a framework agreement.
Advertise to attract a wide audience. Make sure everyone who came to the first presentation is invited.
This presentation should include:
- A review the programme brief – what you want to build
- A summary of the construction programme that responds to the brief
- A clear statement that the council has decided to procure the work using a framework agreement(s)
- The techniques which have been devised to manage framework agreements, such as:
- Evaluating suppliers and annual measure of target (MOT)
- Using key performance indicators (KPIs) to maintain competition with out re-tendering
- Forecasting demand so as to improve the match between supply and demand
- Designing incentives for everyone to improve their performance
- Adopting new forms of contract that encourage partnering and continuous improvement.
- Implications for local suppliers (for those with and those without framework agreements)
- How you see framework agreements (and knock-on supply chain agreements) contributing to a more sustainable local construction industry
- An outline of how the selection process will work, without going into too much detail (this will be covered in the third presentation)
- An indication of when and where you will be advertising.
As in the first presentation, be prepared for some suppliers to be concerned about how it will affect them.
If the whole programme means more work overall, explain this and that some suppliers may need to re-organise alliances with others in order to take advantage.