Officers facilitate seven steps in this stage:
- Finalise Pre-qualification Questionnaire
- Finalise OJEU notices
- Advertising
- Expressions of interest
- Issue PQQs
- Market day
- Receive PQQs
1. Finalise Pre-qualification Questionnaire
Guidance on preparing the PQQ is given in PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE.
2. Finalise OJEU Notices
Guidance on preparing OJEU Notices is given in PREPARING THE PAPERS.
The OJEU notice is ready for publication only when you have consulted all the stakeholders, made changes arising from their comments, and gained the approval of regulatory officers and (as appropriate) members.
The notice must state the deadline for receipt of the expression of interest.
3. Advertising
Submit your OJEU notice electronically via SIMAP. Use the links in PREPARING THE PAPERS. OJEU notices are free. When you determine the number of days to allow for the receipt of Expressions of interest, you need to allow some ‘slack’ in your programme because you cannot be sure which particular day the notice will appear.
You should also advertise in the local press and national technical press, directing readers to the OJEU notice. Inform those who attended previous market days. Even if they do not bid themselves, it will alert them of the need to ‘network’ with those who will.
4. Expressions of Interest
The process has now moved beyond informal contact with the market, and suppliers must now respond in the way stated in the notice.
5. issue PQQs
The Framework Officer now writes to each supplier who has expressed interest, enclosing:
- an invitation to the Market Day
- an information pack
- the PQQ.
Here is an example Information Pack prepared by MCC: “Building better standards” Information Pack and Pre-qualification Questionnaire, Framework 2. This Information Pack has seven sections:
- Client’s contact details
- Background and objectives of the proposed framework
- Framework description
- Selection process, highlighting that this is a quality based process
- Guidelines for completing the PQQ
- Checklist
By the time you have finalised your PQQ, you should have prepared the first draft of the Qualification Questionnaire (Invitation to Negotiate). This ensures you will be clear about the contents of each and avoid overlap.
6. Market Day
Guidance on the market day is given under MARKET DAY – HOW WILL WE DELIVER.
7. Receive PQQs
Candidates must submit their completed PQQs by the deadline stated.