Officers facilitate four steps in this stage:
- Finalise the Framework Protocol
- Select the contractors
- Give feedback to unsuccessful bidders
- Develop the partnership
This is the culmination of the Quality Based Selection process. You have asked the right questions, verified the answers, and decided which companies best fit your profile of the ideal contractor.
Guidance on preparing the legal agreement is given under FRAMEWORK PROTOCOL.
Framework Protocols
The protocol establishes:
- how the framework will be managed
- how a contract will be formed for each project.
“Framework Protocols” continued…
Feedback to candidates who are not selected:
- Advise why unsuccessful
- Invite unsuccessful candidates to discuss their ITN.
Follow the feedback process you used in the SHORT-LISTING stage.
This can be a positive two-way process. Make sure unsuccessful bidders get some reward for their efforts by helping them to see why they did not fit your ideal profile. They will learn how to improve their chances in future bids. You will see the process from their point of view and discover things you might do differently next time.
Developing the Partnership
Laying the foundations for partnering:
- partnering workshops
- partnering with more than one contractor.