Named after Lincolnshire-born Dame Sarah Swift, the 5,500m2 Sarah Swift Building has been designed to house the School of Health and Social Care and the School of Psychology at the University of Lincoln. The new academic building accommodates a diverse range of learning and research spaces which will support continued growth in the disciplines and enhance the student learning experience. Offsite fabrication was core to the manufacture of this building.
As the five-storey building houses laboratories that include vibration-sensitive equipment, the main contractor had to meet precise design specifications. A key element of the brief for this specialist building was to create spaces that have the right environmental conditions, vibration levels and acoustic separation for their different functions, while ensuring the building remains simple to commission, build and operate.
EOS designed and offsite manufactured a robust steel framing infill panel solution for the Sarah Swift project to meet the design and engineering brief. Bespoke zed bars were developed for overhang and intumescent paint clearance. The restrictive site presented access challenges and storage limitations for which offsite technology provided the optimum solution.