Roadmap for Change – a vision for a more inclusive sector

Constructing Excellence

Constructing Excellence is delighted to support the CIC Roadmap for Change. As we celebrate International Womens Day and the brilliant things women are doing across the sector this roadmap is incredibly timely as it provides tangible guidance and examples to move towards a more diverse and inclusive industry.

The Roadmap for Change is a digital platform designed to highlight the good work being done in the construction industry to bring change. The initiative was created by CIC’s Diversity and Inclusion Panel and spearheaded by its Chair, Maria Coulter BEM. Constructing Excellence was represented by Alison Nicholl.

The tool was developed following an industry wide CIC survey to celebrate the organisation’s thirtieth anniversary which asked some key questions including, ‘what, if anything would make you leave the industry?’. It received over 1,100 responses and six key themes were extracted from the data; image, progression, procurement, inclusive design, leadership and technology. In the digital roadmap, key initiatives and examples of best practice are displayed in relation to each theme.

In her speech at the launch, Maria Coulter, managing director of Construction Coach, emphasised that, “as an industry we work in silos, the roadmap is a way of sharing the great work the industry is doing to bring change and help others do it too. This is not the end of the journey, but the start. We are delighted to have got this off the ground and we hope that all companies will engage with it and contribute so that it becomes a first port of call for good ideas and shared practice.”

We are sure all those in the Constructing Excellence movement will get behind this vision and path to a more inclusive industry. This roadmap a great basis for us to get behind and share the great examples across Constructing Excellence which can be added to the digital roadmap.

One thought on “Roadmap for Change – a vision for a more inclusive sector”

  1. From the Among Us alert bell at an emergency meeting to the chilly sound when a Crewmate is removed, the sound in the game is also intended to be simple yet powerful

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