As part of a continual improvement process the Interserve Yorkshire Innovation Group was asked to look at ways in which they could improve systems and processes on site. The team engaged with the regional site teams to collect feedback and suggestions.
During a recent visit a Considerate Constructors Scheme monitor had asked one site team member how they measured noise on the site and this started the group thinking about ways in which they could improve this process and make it easier for the workforce to know when noise had reached potentially damaging levels. With 1 in 5 people suffering from noise induced hearing loss the team knew that finding new ways to protect hearing was vitally important.
Having identified the challenge the team then started to look at possible solutions. They wanted a change from the usual site signage as they felt that, with the amount of signs already on sites, the workforce could easily become ‘sign blind’. They knew that an audible alarm wouldn’t work, as this would add to the hazardous noise levels and potentially not be noticeable above them. So the team decided that a visual indicator, which illuminated once the sound level had reached dangerous levels, would be the best way forward.
The device started as a fairly simple concept of a sign with a sound monitor attached that triggers the illumination of the sign once noise levels increase to a predetermined level.