Driving Productivity Through Industrialisation


The narrative around MMC is changing. There are increasing calls for government to embrace the principles of ‘industrialisation’ as a means to unlocking productivity in the construction sector. The proposed shift in narrative recognises that our long-held interest in the adoption of manufacturing processes and technologies as a means to higher productivity requires a fundamental … Continue reading "Driving Productivity Through Industrialisation"

Retrofit Net-Zero Building Regulatory Science and Data Network for Unlocking Adoption of Innovation (RetroNetZero)


Net-zero ambition, and regulation is driving significant activity in innovation around solutions for retrofitting UK buildings. For SMEs, innovators of step change or new approaches the established system of standards, tests and approval routes may be unclear, or they do not fit: presenting a significant barrier to adoption of innovation for use in the market. … Continue reading "Retrofit Net-Zero Building Regulatory Science and Data Network for Unlocking Adoption of Innovation (RetroNetZero)"