Constructing Excellence Members’ Forum June 2016

University of Westminster 35 Marylebone Rd, Marylebone, London, United Kingdom

Purpose This Members' Forum will focus on engagement between the industry, universities and colleges. The half-day event is open to national members of Constructing Excellence and anyone in FE or HE who wishes to engage in the debate and subsequent work programme. In 2013 we held a similar event which was attended by 19 different … Continue reading "Constructing Excellence Members’ Forum June 2016"

Constructing Excellence February Members’ Forum

Pinsent Mason 30 Crown Place, Earl Street, London, United Kingdom

This Members' Forum will focus on offsite construction, pre-manufactured solutions, and industrialisation. It is open to all national members of Constructing Excellence and by invitation to members of their supply chain who wish to influence the future work of Constructing Excellence at a national level in this arena. In his review of the UK construction labour … Continue reading "Constructing Excellence February Members’ Forum"

Members Forum

Burges Salmon 6 New Street Square , London, United Kingdom

Procurement has a key role to play in ensuring that we deliver social value and source products and services responsibly and ethically. Following the successful APRES Conference, the Action Programme for … Continue reading "Members Forum"

Members Forum – Research & Innovation Needs to Deliver our Vision

Burges Salmon 6 New Street Square , London, United Kingdom

We are asking Constructing Excellence members to join us on 12 September we will hear an update from some of our core Theme Groups that are fundamental to delivering our vision, including digital, offsite and collaborative working.  We will then have an interactive session to identify the core research, innovation and skills required to effectively … Continue reading "Members Forum – Research & Innovation Needs to Deliver our Vision"

Members Forum – Performance Measurement Forum: Delivering value through performance measurement

Burges Salmon 6 New Street Square , London, United Kingdom

For 20 years Constructing Excellence has been the go-to place for what and how to benchmark since the construction industry KPIs were launched, wallcharts and an annual industry performance report were published, and masterclasses were run. Around 2004 we worked with Salford University to make available an online portal for collecting, analysing and reporting KPIs … Continue reading "Members Forum – Performance Measurement Forum: Delivering value through performance measurement"

Constructing Excellence Members Forum September 2019

Mott MacDonald 10 Fleet Place, London, United Kingdom

This event will have an Performance Measurement focus and is open to Constructing Excellence National members and invited guests.