POSTPONED “Creating and Maintaining a Resilient Built Environment” – Sustainability Theme Group meeting

Polypipe New Hythe Business Park, College Road, Aylesford, United Kingdom

This event has been postponed. To register your interest in the reorganised meeting please contact Colm Quinn. Some of the key challenges facing the built environment are around climate change adaption and mitigation in the face of increased rainfall, higher wind speeds, extreme cold, overheating, more frequent storms and rising sea and river levels. This … Continue reading "POSTPONED “Creating and Maintaining a Resilient Built Environment” – Sustainability Theme Group meeting"

Sustainability and Digital Construction Theme Groups Joint meeting

Turner and Townsend Office One New Change, London, United Kingdom

The merger between BRE and CE offers us an opportunity to further strengthen the support we give to our members on sustainability and digital construction. This will provide opportunities to increase the diversity of participating companies and provide wider networking and collaborations. With this in mind, this meeting on BIM and sustainability will be a … Continue reading "Sustainability and Digital Construction Theme Groups Joint meeting"

Healthy Buildings and Wellness – Sustainability Theme Group

AECOM Aldgate Tower, 2 Leman Street, , London, United Kingdom

Sustainability considers the social, economic and environmental impact of the built environment.  How buildings and the wider built environment support the physical and mental wellbeing of their users and occupants is increasingly considered as a key part of sustainability. This interactive session will explore the linkage between buildings and health and what factors that determine … Continue reading "Healthy Buildings and Wellness – Sustainability Theme Group"

Specifying innovative, healthy and sustainable materials – Constructing Excellence Sustainability Group

BRE Innovation Park Bucknalls Lane, Watford

Following the success of our recent event Healthy Buildings and Wellness we have decided to take a deeper look at innovative and healthy materials and how these are specified.  We are putting together an exciting programme for Thursday 4 May 2017 at the BRE Innovation Park in Watford. If you have any ideas for exciting … Continue reading "Specifying innovative, healthy and sustainable materials – Constructing Excellence Sustainability Group"

Webinar – Showcasing Constructing Excellence Awards Finalists – Cundall

The Constructing Excellence Sustainability Theme Group is keen to work with our regional winners to find out more about what excellent practice is happening in the field of sustainability. We are running a series of webinars where you can hear more about these exciting projects and ask your questions of the people behind them. This … Continue reading "Webinar – Showcasing Constructing Excellence Awards Finalists – Cundall"

Webinar – Showcasing Constructing Excellence Awards Finalists – Simons and Galliford Try

The Constructing Excellence Sustainability Theme Group is keen to work with our regional winners to find out more about what excellent practice is happening in the field of sustainability. We are running a series of webinars where you can hear more about these exciting projects and ask your questions of the people behind them. This … Continue reading "Webinar – Showcasing Constructing Excellence Awards Finalists – Simons and Galliford Try"