Event Report: Performance Measurement Forum & SmatrSite KPIs Tool Workshop

Constructing Excellence

At our first Performance Measurement Forum on 20 January 2021, we looked closely at the SmartSite KPIs Tool and delved into specific performance measures, such as collaboration, Digital and MMC. 

Antonio HernandesProduct Development Manager, BRE SmartSite, took us through the platform functionality as well as future development options.  SmartSite KPIs is an online tool that let benchmark the performance of the projects against the rest of the construction industry, using the established and nationally recognised Constructing Excellence Construction Industry KPIs. By measuring and comparing project and organisational performance, company can improve its productivity and demonstrate excellence.  

 Constructing Excellence is the custodian of the tool and CE members have a FREE LICENCE included in their membership, which provides our members with an opportunity to get online training for their teams on data exchange, internal data population of the platform and roll-on analytics. 

Download SmatrSite KPIs Guidance

SmartSite KPIs Guidance

At our Performance Measurement Forum in October we focussed on how to measure collaboration The Constructing Excellence award entries were suggested as a good source of information on how organisations are measuring and evidencing collaboration. Kate Paul, Communication & Engagement Coordinator at Constructing Excellence, carried out an analysis of the Integration and Collaborative working finalists for 2017 and 2020.  The analysis revealed many tools and methodologies for delivering collaboration, but little in the way of tangible and quantifiable results and measurements.  

It was agreed that more technical criteria such as Digital and MMC would be easier to evidence.  We will be delving into the digital award entries for our meeting in March and MMC for our meeting in June.  

The group is exploring how organisations across the CE movement are measuring performance.  A short questionnaire is being developed by a small sub-group.  

Next meeting 

Thank you everyone for joining our January Group meetingyour constructive input and engaged discussions. 

Join us for the next meetings: 

Performance Measurement Forum – Measuring Digital 31 March 2021 

Performance Measurement Forum – MMC Platforms 02 June 2021 

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