There are currently 18,000 daily commutes into Truro with A390 Western Corridor one of the most heavily trafficked routes. Truro’s population is circa 19,000& is set to increase with planned growth of 4,500 new homes and 3,000 new jobs by 2030. Infrastructure had been highlighted by businesses as a constraint to their growth. The need to reduce car journeys is vital to prevent grid lock. The Council were awarded Growth Deal funding in late 2014 and through engagement of Cormac Solutions Ltd (CSL) under a design and build contract has been able to develop the designs with construction commencing in summer 2016. A number of sites adjacent to this corridor had secured planning consent and through liaison with these developers it has been possible to secure contributions towards the works costs and accommodate their site requirements so delivering the full extent of infrastructure improvements ahead of their build Truro and the area for development were designated Air Quality management Areas in 2015 & more efficient use of road space and appropriate traffic management solutions is vital to improve the situation. Through improved traffic flows and sustainable travel options this aim should be achieved.

A390 Truro Western Corridor