Ward’s Words – November 2017

Constructing Excellence

It has been a month of liaison and influence with government and the Construction Leadership Council including on the proposed sector deal under the industrial strategy and on specific topics for the CLC around performance measurement procuring for value, and offsite, where our theme group was hosted by the MTC (Manufacturing Technology Centre at Coventry). Also the nuclear theme group were hosted by EDF at Hinckley Point C. This group is about to go out to consultation on the theme of Factory Thinking to improve productivity on sites, and this is the first area of work to benefit from working with our new sister organisation, ECI. Construction and engineering construction are adjacent but separate industries with their own language, forms of contract, training boards, trades unions and working agreements, but integration and collaboration on ‘mixed’ sites such as power stations is essential to address the productivity challenge. However the agenda for change is remarkably similar, so look out for their events as well as Constructing Excellence’s – learning from other sectors can be even more powerful than from our own, even if you don’t directly interact with that sector.

A number of ECI members have already registered for our annual conference on December 12th . As ever this will be great ‘brain food’, and has 85 people registered to attend so far, so please make sure you don’t miss out. If you want to bring a guest, especially a client or supplier who should be members, please contact the office and we will confirm. This is a great way to showcase a little of what we do and to inspire new people to join. Panels include our three co-chairs talking about the new improved vision and a campaign with our members for 2018 which turns Words into Action so far as improved performance on projects is concerned. They will also be joined by John Fotherby, the chair of the ECI, which will reinforce the integration of this new sister organisation. You can find more information here. We look forward to seeing you!

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