Transforming Construction for a Low Carbon Future

Constructing Excellence

We were delighted to be one of the many contributors to the NFBs latest report on Transforming Construction for a Low Carbon Future.

As the report states ‘Climate Change is the major issue of our time. No individual or organisation is immune to the challenges it presents and everyone has a role to play in combating it. Construction, however, has a greater role than most. The industry represents 10% of UK carbon emissions and directly influences 47% of all national emissions.’

Sustainability is at the core of Constructing Excellence.  Our focus on collaboration, long-term value, increased implementation of MMC and digital technologies and performance measurement is clearly aligned with minimising waste, energy and environmental impact throughout the lifecycle of the asset.  Our Sustainable Infrastructure Group in partnership with CEEQUAL and the ICE clearly demonstrates how these principles can be applied to deliver more sustainable outcomes.

We thoroughly recommend reading the report and considering what role you will play in the war on carbon.

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