The Construction Playbook – Making Better, Faster, Greener delivery a reality

Constructing Excellence

Constructing Excellence is delighted at the launch of the Construction Playbook – December 2020.

The playbook sets out how government will work with the construction sector to make sure public sector works are delivered faster, better and greener.  There is strong alignment with the Playbook and Constructing Excellence’s core values and vision and this represents a step change in how the circa £117 billion spent on public sector works can accelerate sector transformation.

There is much to digest in the Playbook, but the ethos and focus on outcomes and value, collaboration, digitalisation and standardisation will not be new to those in the Constructing Excellence Movement.

The Government have spelled out a vision for Better, Faster, Greener delivery. The Playbook, as a compact between Government and industry, is the means that will make this vision a reality. By bringing to bring to bear its enormous buying power as a client, Government will help us as a sector turn our transformative ambitions into reality. Fundamental transformation has never been more achievable.

Key focus

A key focus for the Playbook is upfront, creating the conditions for project success.  It looks systematically at how to approach risk, sustainability and innovation across portfolios of projects and programmes.  The key policies of the Playbook will:

Set clear and appropriate outcome-based specifications that are designed with the input of industry to ensure we drive continuous improvement and innovation.

Favour longer term contracting across portfolios, where it is appropriate. We will develop long-term plans for key asset types and programmes to drive greater value through public spending.

Standardise designs, components and interfaces as much as is possible.

Drive innovation and Modern Methods of Construction, through standardisation and aggregation of demand, increased client capability and setting clear requirements of suppliers.

Create sustainable, win-win contracting arrangements that incentivise better outcomes, improve risk management and promote the general financial health of the sector.

Strengthen financial assessment of suppliers and prepare for the rare occasions when things go wrong, with the introduction of resolution planning information requirements into critical contracts.

Increase the speed of end-to-end project and programme delivery by investing up front with time and resources to set projects up for success.

All of this creates the right environment to improve Health, Safety & Wellbeing, move towards our 2050 net zero commitment and promote social value.

Value Toolkit

We are pleased to support the Value Toolkit from Construction Innovation Hub on the development of the Value Toolkit, which is one of the key mechanisms referenced in the Playbook to empower clients and policy makers to make smarter and more informed, value-based decisions.  The Toolkit covers Value Definition, Client & Market Approach and Evaluation & Measurement.  This is something the industry is ready to embrace as our research and Market Enablers Interim Report for the Value Toolkit demonstrates.

Collaborative Procurement

The New Models of Procurement Cabinet Office trial projects – Constructing Excellence of Two Stage Open Book, Integrated Project Insurance and Cost Led Procurement are referenced in the Playbook as well as strengthened role for Project Bank Accounts.  Our recently published Case Studies Resources demonstrate long-term value of collaborative delivery models and how these approaches have provided outcomes and value across the life of the assets.

Have a good read of the Playbook.  We will be delving deeper into the Playbook and how we as a movement Constructing Excellence can support the delivery of the principles and policies contained in the Playbook. This is fundamental step in achieving the Positive Disruption that is fundamental to our Mission.

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