At Seymour we have always focused on the health and safety of our operatives and preventing workplace injuries, with a particular strong emphasis on safety. Above and beyond this, we now have in place a number of schemes that not only increase the importance of health and well-being at work, but also increases our operative’s knowledge of health issues, what causes these issues and what measures can be put in place to reduce or completely eradicate these issues, going that extra mile to support and look after the well-being of every member of staff and educate so that they are empowered with knowledge. Health, safety and Wellbeing is at the heart of our People Management Strategy for every member of our team.
Following the release of recent HSE statistics, which suggest that within the construction industry for every employee killed by a workplace accident a further 100 are killed by work related ill health, we have undertaken the decision to have a particular focus on wellbeing to further embed the importance of health within our strong health and safety culture. We have therefore set up a series of health and well-being campaigns, running two campaigns a month – one office based and one site based. Our campaigns cover subjects including Silica (no time to lose), better living and health eating, mental health awareness, manual handling and DSE use, exposure to UV Rays, hearing protection and diesel exhaust emissions. The campaigns consist of a number of initiatives from quizzes, posters on display and toolbox talks. Our health and wellbeing champions are also always on hand for guidance or to talk to in confidence. Through running these campaigns we believe we will remain at the forefront of our industry, working in line with the directives of the HSE, but more importantly we will inform employees of the main causes of occupational ill health and what control measures can be put in place to avoid them.
In addition we have invested heavily in a new training portal, which provides great leap forward in pioneering innovative use of technology which has provided multiple benefits such as efficiencies, smarter working processes, enhanced communication, increased accuracy, increased transparency internally and externally and ultimately resulting in a highly skilled and trained workforce with health, safety and wellbeing being at the forefront of that.