This is directed at bidders.
Respond to the Invitation to Negotiate with:
- answers to further ‘quality’questions in the ITN
- financial proposals
While the PQQ was solely about general quality issues, the ITN requires considerably more detail about quality as well as headline financial proposals.
Teh Quality Submission
Assuming this follows the MCC example, this is in two parts:
Project delivery
- Explain how early involvement of your people, systems and processes will benefit the client.
- Give a method statement for how you would design and construct the nominated project type.
Framework delivery
- Describe your proposed team.
- Show how your proposals will contribute to local sustainability.
- Show how you will help the client to achieve long-term aspirations.
The Financial Submission
Assuming this follows the MCC example, this is also in two parts:
Cost estimates
- Give headline figures for design, preliminaries, overheads and profit for the range of project types described in “Project details”, based on your experience of similar traditionally procured projects.
- Provide indicative rates for various categories of personnel.
- Remember that you will be working in partnership with open-book accounts for design and construction costs.
Proposals for incentive mechanisms
- Propose mechanisms to reward and incentivise your team to achieve the client’s objectives.