This series of breakfast meetings is designed to be enjoyable, stimulating and informative on subjects relevant to leaders in the construction and infrastructure sectors. The meetings are designed to connect informed leaders, and after preliminary networking from 8am and breakfast the conversation is introduced by a keynote speaker who has 15-20 minutes to present and pose some provocative questions which is followed by an hour or so of discussion facilitated in a highly personable style by Simon Flint of Lagan Construction. The events finish at 10.30am. Discussion takes place safe in the knowledge that questions, challenges and comments will remain at the table under the Chatham House Rule.
Previous speakers have included: Sir John Armitt, Simon Addyman and Doug McWilliams.
Notes of discussions are available here:
CE Leadership Breakfast Meeting notes 4th June 2015
CE Leadership Breakfast Meeting notes 5th November 2015
CE Leadership Breakfast Meeting notes 8th March 2016
CE Leadership Breakfast Meeting notes 5th May 2016
We are grateful to Lagan Construction and The Advance Consultancy for their support of the series, and our series sponsors Aggregate Industries. Please contact Samantha Halden-Evans for further information