K&W have always maintained a supportive and caring culture with both its employees and supply chain. Through strong leadership and robust procedures it has maintained high standards of H&S. However, in order to drive further improvements, we required greater ownership and a more proactive approach from our employees and supply chain.
The main challenges we saw to getting their ‘buy-in’ were:
- Employees – potentially sceptical of the reasons for taking a more proactive role in their health
management & wellbeing - Supply chain – SUPERVISION: Small local subcontractors had limited number of supervisors – whilst they had supervision for larger projects, they struggled if projects only required one or two operatives. RAMS: Paperwork from small subcontractors often late or inadequate.
- Investment – significant investment needed at a time of economic downturn, with no guarantee of
success and possibility staff/supply chains would leave
We looked to overcome these by:
- Employees
- Bespoke ABC (Achieving Behavioural Change) training
- Complete reinvestment of all equipment based on employee involvement & recommendations
- Upgrading Health Surveillance process with external provider
- Supply Chain
- 6 weekly free training seminars
- Presented by MD to ensure senior attendance
- Small groups mixed trade subcontractors to allow open, honest debate
- One to one assistance on RAMS
- Investment
- By building on our existing personal approach, we involved and supported our employees & supply chain in order to retain them
- Recent changes in procurement policy, led by The Welsh Government, to include quality and sustainability, allowed us to invest for our future & community