Check out The Choice Factory from our members Kier. It looks at the psychological, behavioural and cultural factors that need to be addressed to achieve sustainable change with regards to the uptake of MMC. It presents a unique review that draws from behavioural science, marketing and different fields to present options of choice architecture.
This insightful document includes a fantastic overview of the evolution of MMC, right from the Bath Bridge through the Penguin Pool at London Zoo to today’s Smart Motorways, pre-fabricated prison solutions and extensive use of pre-cast modules.
It provides an extensive analysis of the opportunities to change and some practical ways in which behaviours, rewards and habits can be changed to really accelerate change. These include:
- Make it easy
- Make it understood
- Make it social
- Make it creative
- Make it popular
- Make it desirable
- Make it rewarding
- Make it a habit
Check it out! It’s a must read for those tackling the issue of how we really crack the opportunities in front of us for the wide spread implementation of MMC.