Improving health, safety and wellbeing will always be our number one priority and it will always be a challenge. But the A585 Windy Harbour to Skippool team believe nothing is so important that we cannot take the time to do it safely and know that improving behaviour and safety culture is key to improving this.
The A585’s project-specific vision, values, behaviours, team charter and A585 Safety Maturity Plan, which addresses exactly how we will deliver our health, safety and wellbeing commitments, mean our Integrated Project Team of client, constructor, designers and supply chain partners are all pulling in the same direction. The A585 encourages our people, and our supply chain partners to think innovatively. When good ideas come forward, we are passionate about trialling them, sharing our learning to push our industry forward and celebrating our success.
Three Winning Facts:
- Our approach to health, safety and wellbeing has seen our RIDDOR and Lost Time Incident (LTI) frequency rate (AFR) return to zero. We have worked just over one million LTI-free hours and have developed a good hazard spotting culture with over 400 observations/near misses reported since January 2021.
- Our ‘Human and Organisational Factors’ behavioural safety programme, provides a holistic approach to understanding how people, processes and equipment work together to reduce physical and mental ill-health risk in the workplace, minimise error, and create happier working environments. It’s about changing the culture and thinking differently, where people are the solution not the problem, and error is an opportunity to learn.
- We measure our safety culture maturity for the Kier Highways using the Hudson’s ladder model and the HSE’s safety climate tool. Our project score of 4.07 out of 5.99 for A585 is an impressive score because of the project’s culture and behaviours.