The tidal flood risk to Hessle was significant and increasing with sea level rise due to climate change.
The challenge faced by the HFTDS team was to address this increasing risk by implementing defence solutions which are fit for purpose, in keeping with their surroundings, resilient to climate change and able to be constructed within very narrow corridors bordered by SSSI’s, live highways, live railways and residential properties.
The scheme development necessitated the involvement of computer and physical flood modelling, ecology, environmental, economist, structural, infrastructure design, legal and project management professionals who led the scheme through feasibility, planning and detailed design stages. The defence is constructed tight to the shoreline of the Humber Estuary SSSI, SAC and Ramsar designated areas, requiring meticulous planning, design and construction practices to protect the environmentally and ecologically sensitive area.
The tidal surge of December 2013 saw 40 homes and 44 businesses flooded in the Hessle area. With predicted sea level rise due to climate change, this type of event will become much more frequent. The Hessle Foreshore Tidal Defence Scheme (HFTDS) provides a 1-in-200 year standard of protection (SoP) to Hessle and west Hull.
Three Winning Facts:
- The HFTDS reduces tidal surge flood risk to over 4000 homes and businesses in the Hessle and West Hull areas. It affords a 1 in 200-year return standard of protection over the next 50 years, taking into account the effects of climate change on sea level rise. This has been achieved with very careful consideration of the environment and this has been independently verified by a third party through the CEEQUAL Award.
- The HFTDS has been successfully completed within extremely tight construction corridors, bound by the Humber Estuary with its various environmental and ecological designations, residential properties, the A63 Trunk Road and the Hull to Selby Railway line. Effective collaboration with all stakeholders was required throughout the project to ensure the successful delivery of the scheme.
- The completed scheme has been met with overwhelming positivity from all stakeholders and funders with regard to its functionality and its sensitivity to its setting. The Cliff Road section is the most public facing. The glass wall maintains the vista of the Humber Estuary and the Humber Bridge and promotes the Hessle Foreshore as an amenity for visitors to enjoy.