Hear from our 2019 Outstanding Future Leader

Constructing Excellence

Ben Pritchard our 2019 Outstanding Future Leader talks about the role G4C and Constructing Excellene has played in his career development.

Last year at the CE national awards I was lucky enough to receive the Outstanding Future Leader Award.

 It was a pleasure to be recognised by my peers for the work I have undertaken to help shine a light on the great things our industry does, do and my personal contribution to those transformations.

 I am a firm believer that when done right, the construction industry can be a catalyst for positive change across the economy and in the lives of so many both directly and indirectly.

 Even at this time of uncertainty around the world, our industry has the opportunity to positively impact today, and shape tomorrow for the better.

 I’ve been lucky enough to have many roles within G4C over the years that has allowed me to learn and grow as an individual. It has allowed me to see first hand what excellence looks like in our industry and apply it to my organisation and our customers. It challenges me to keep looking for a better way of doing things to ensure that what I do and what we do at Invennt allows us to create value through construction. I would recommend that anyone in our industry finds their local G4C representative and get as involved in any way they can.

 My hope moving forwards is that I become more of an industry leader than a future leader, that the network of G4C and CE will continue to allow me to share what I’ve learnt and to share my passion for a better industry with the next generation


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