Follow up to Constructing Excellence Sustainability Workshop on 16 November

Constructing Excellence

Thank you very much for participating in last week’s planning session for the Sustainability Theme Group.  We certainly have a lot to build upon.   The key areas of focus that came out are as follows:

Sustainability Awards Finalists

We are scheduling a programme of showcase webinars with all of the Sustainability finalists in our national awards. There are some fantastic examples of how sustainability is being applied across real projects and give you an opportunity to ask questions and interact with all of the finalists.  We are currently scheduling these to take place on a regular basis from January onwards.

Responsible Sourcing / Ethical Labour etc.

A key area of discussion was around the issue of ethical labour and responsible sourcing. I am very pleased to inform you that the APRES Network is now part of Constructing Excellence and there will be lots of scope for this group to engage with APRES.  To kick this off our Members Forum on 24 January will look at how procurement works to ensure that we deliver social value and source products and services responsibly and ethically.   Please click here to book and for further information.

Digitalisation & Circular Economy

We will follow up with Gilli and the BAMB project to get more detail on how this group can get involved with the Reversible Experience Module that will be at Ecobuild.

Diversity & Inclusion

There was considerable conversation about this area.  Generation4Change have been looking at this area and we will follow up with them about their activities and how this group could interact with that activity.

Health, Safety & Security

We will look at opportunities around this area, specifically looking at the cross-over with the Safety, Health, Environment & Quality group within ECI and look at opportunities for some joint initiatives.

Hopefully this captures the key discussion points.  We will firm up plans for the first quarter and send through registration details as soon as possible.  Please continue to send us your thoughts and suggestions.   Also please remember we are always keen to promote our members activities, either through promoting your events, publishing your blogs etc.

Finally if you have not already done so, please don’t forget to book your free place at our Annual Conference The Fourth Industrial Revolution – Towards Industry 4.0 at the Tower of London on 12 December.

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