Members Forum – Performance Measurement Forum: Delivering value through performance measurement

Burges Salmon 6 New Street Square , London, United Kingdom

For 20 years Constructing Excellence has been the go-to place for what and how to benchmark since the construction industry KPIs were launched, wallcharts and an annual industry performance report were published, and masterclasses were run. Around 2004 we worked with Salford University to make available an online portal for collecting, analysing and reporting KPIs … Continue reading "Members Forum – Performance Measurement Forum: Delivering value through performance measurement"

Procuring for Value – Procurement Theme Group

Trowers & Hamlins 3 Bunhill Row, London

This workshop will re-launch the Constructing Excellence Procurement Theme Group under the leadership of our new chair, Ann Bentley.  The workshop and indeed the Constructing Excellence Theme Group is focussed on driving implementation. The workshop will be an interactive session looking session looking at the barriers and blockers and how we get rid of them.  … Continue reading "Procuring for Value – Procurement Theme Group"

ECI Members Forum Spring 2019

Turner and Townsend Office One New Change, London, United Kingdom

Our Spring Members Forum is in London on 3rd April 2019, and we are grateful to Turner & Townsend for offering to host us. Our purpose will be to update members with progress on our change agenda since the autumn series of events in Amsterdam and to review with you what members want ECI to … Continue reading "ECI Members Forum Spring 2019"

Performance Measurement Forum

Turner and Townsend Office One New Change, London, United Kingdom

The follow up meeting to the February Members' Forum in performance measurement. This meeting will define the parameters of the Constructing Excellence Performance Measurement Forum. The agenda will include: Guy Beaumont, Turner & Townsend - The Transport Infrastructure Efficiency Strategy – Lessons from the Proof of Concept Benchmarking Framework Feedback from testing SmartSite KPIs Review … Continue reading "Performance Measurement Forum"