Offsite Manufacturing & Technology Theme Group

Following our recent workshop looking at the platform approach to buildings, it became clear that we develop a clearer understanding of the needs of manufacturers.  This workshop hosted by Tata Steel will consider the needs of manufacturers in the move towards offsite manufacturing and technology and how the industry can maximise the value of the … Continue reading "Offsite Manufacturing & Technology Theme Group"

ECI Members Forum Spring 2019

Turner and Townsend Office One New Change, London, United Kingdom

Our Spring Members Forum is in London on 3rd April 2019, and we are grateful to Turner & Townsend for offering to host us. Our purpose will be to update members with progress on our change agenda since the autumn series of events in Amsterdam and to review with you what members want ECI to … Continue reading "ECI Members Forum Spring 2019"

Performance Measurement Forum

Turner and Townsend Office One New Change, London, United Kingdom

The follow up meeting to the February Members' Forum in performance measurement. This meeting will define the parameters of the Constructing Excellence Performance Measurement Forum. The agenda will include: Guy Beaumont, Turner & Townsend - The Transport Infrastructure Efficiency Strategy – Lessons from the Proof of Concept Benchmarking Framework Feedback from testing SmartSite KPIs Review … Continue reading "Performance Measurement Forum"

Moving on from the productivity challenge to disruptive technologies

The #CEnuclear theme group has drafted companion volumes to the Factory Thinking report published in 2018, these are on the themes of Processes and Tools; Digitalisation; and Procurement for productivity. A workshop is planned on the latter topic for January 30th, and the plan is to publish these volumes at its next conference on May … Continue reading "Moving on from the productivity challenge to disruptive technologies"

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and Construction

The agenda for the next Constructing Excellence Digital meeting on Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning is as follows: 12.00 arrival/networking lunch 13.00 Welcome from Chair 13.15 George Mokhtar, Director, Technology, Turner & Townsend “What can we do to make AI work for our industry” 13.45 Paul Russell, Strategic Sales Leader, Watson IoT Europe - “Impact of being … Continue reading "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and Construction"

Constructing Excellence Members Forum: Offsite Manufacturing & Technology Showcase

Burges Salmon 6 New Street Square , London, United Kingdom

For our June Members Forum the Offsite Manufacturing & Technology Group will be inviting the wider Constructing Excellence membership to provide their input and views on some of the exceptional challenges and opportunities that sit behind the effective implementation of manufacturing principles in the construction sector. This lively and interactive session will enable participants to … Continue reading "Constructing Excellence Members Forum: Offsite Manufacturing & Technology Showcase"