MMC, Circular Economy and Whole Life – Follow up discussion


Building on the discussions from our August session on MMC, Circular Economy and Whole Life we will be having a follow up discussion session to delve deeper into the issues affecting the delivery of sustainable outcomes, whole life approaches and MMC. Come armed with your experiences, ideas and suggestions

Performance Measurement Forum – October 2020


The next meeting of the Constructing Excellence Performance Measurement Forum will take place on 14 October.  We will be focussing on how you measure collaboration with input from Paul Greenwood from Greenwood Associates.

Digital Drop In – October


Join our digital drop-in on the 3rd Friday of every month The pace and uptake of digital technologies in the sector is developing apace. The Constructing Excellence Digital Group will be holding informal ‘Digital Drop-Ins’ on the third Friday of every month to provide members with an opportunity to share ideas, best practice and seek … Continue reading "Digital Drop In – October"

Members Forum October 2020

Constructing Excellence has been commissioned by the Construction Innovation Hub to lead on the market enablers workstream of the Value Toolkit. We have assembled a team led by John Handscomb of Akerlof to consult through our members and wider network to engage with the supply chain to understand levels of capability and to identify and … Continue reading "Members Forum October 2020"

Digital Drop In November 2020


The pace and uptake of digital technologies in the sector is developing apace. The Constructing Excellence Digital Group will be holding informal ‘Digital Drop-Ins’ on the third Friday of every month to provide members with an opportunity to share ideas, best practice and seek advice around the key issues impacting our digital journey. In November … Continue reading "Digital Drop In November 2020"

Towards Net Zero – decarbonising the industrial and energy sectors


In order to move to net zero carbon emissions by 2050 we will need to deploy a range of technologies, including carbon capture and hydrogen, to decarbonise the industrial and energy sectors. The engineering construction industry will be responsible for designing, installing and maintaining much of the infrastructure required. Join us on 25 November to … Continue reading "Towards Net Zero – decarbonising the industrial and energy sectors"

Construction Collaborative Working Mentors Q4 Meeting, December 2020


Collaboration on different stages and areas of built environment as well as use of digital technologies in the process became a crucial part of our future development, social involvement, industry attractiveness, environmental awareness and business accomplishment. Constructing Excellence & Collaborative Working Mentors invite everyone who is genially passionate about changing the industry for better communication, … Continue reading "Construction Collaborative Working Mentors Q4 Meeting, December 2020"

Digital Drop In December 2020


The Role of Standards in Digitalising the Built Environment. The pace and uptake of digital technologies in the sector is developing apace. The Constructing Excellence Digital Group will be holding informal ‘Digital Drop-Ins’ on the third Friday of every month to provide members with an opportunity to share ideas, best practice and seek advice around … Continue reading "Digital Drop In December 2020"

Event: Offsite Manufacturing & Technology Group – Implementing MMC


n 2021 the Offsite Manufacturing & Technology Group will be focusing on the implementation of MMC. For our kick off meeting in December we will be taking a close look at how main contractors are dealing with MMC and funding opportunities from the MTC on robust and resilient supply chains. So far confirmed we have: … Continue reading "Event: Offsite Manufacturing & Technology Group – Implementing MMC"