Energy Transition Session
24 March @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm GMT

Energy Transition is one of the most significant issues facing societies around the world. The need to decarbonise and move away from fossil fuels has never been greater and the rush to deliver projects is hugely challenging from a capacity and capability perspective. This requires us to organise differently to set projects up for success and deliver productively. This requires genuine collaboration at a project and macro level – something that ECI and Constructing Excellence have been advocating for some time.
Join us for the next session on 24th March for an opportunity for young professionals in the energy transition space to share their examples of good practice and identify areas in which they’d like to see improvements.
Please come along armed with examples of good practice to share with the group to discuss what has worked in the past, what are the challenges and where are the opportunities to to deliver improvements in the future.
In June we will be holding a face to face workshop focusing on Energy Transition to look at the options, challenges and recommendations for the industry moving forward. We will be further developing the programme for this event in March’s session so join us to help shape this key event in our journey to deliver more effective Energy Transition projects.
This event provides Constructing Excellence National members with CPD in partnership with BRE Academy.