Building a talented and motivated team:
- Invested 10-15% of our annual budget in staff training and development
- Provided mentors for all of our trainees and apprentices
- Carried out personal bi-annual appraisals for all employees
- Promoted Health & Well Being in the business e.g. bike to work scheme.
- We have continued our support of new Degree Apprenticeship scheme, employing another trainee through Northumbria University.
- In 2018 two of our apprentices were recognised at the G4C 2018 North East Awards with Amy Glister winning Technical Apprentice of Year and Stephen Donaghy highly commended for Trainee of the Year.
Corporate Social Responsibility:
- Make a donation each month to a charity nominated by team members
- Sponsor local youth team and organisations
- Actively promote women in the sector
- Employ “contract centric” apprentices and sub-contractors from the local areas
- We have offered our technical expertise to help Walking with the Wounded to create a temporary rest bite facility in Gateshead providing service people with the support to reintegrated into society after leaving the armed forces.
Develop & Grow the Business:
We have
- Grown our workforce by 30% with key positions strengthened
- invested heavily in new technology
- Been proactive in identifying changes in the market and adapting as necessary.
- Increased turnover in 2018 to £369,000, by 20% in line with our business plan.
- Developed an ambitious business plan for 2018 – 2022
We have
- Undertaken visits to schools to promote the construction sector
- Taken part in trade and job fairs
Worked in partnership with professional bodies