Asset Management
Why is Asset Management such a simple concept, but so difficult to deliver?
After six and a bit years I am stepping down as chair of Constructing Excellence’s Asset Management Theme Group. My day to day work commitments at LCMB are making it … Continue reading “Why is Asset Management such a simple concept, but so difficult to deliver?”
Improving Productivity in the Workplace
We all instinctively know that poor indoor environmental conditions lead to dissatisfied, unproductive and unwell building occupants. Over the past three years, CE has been working as a member of … Continue reading “Improving Productivity in the Workplace”
Constructing Excellence supported research shows high CO2 concentrations in offices are decreasing people’s cognitive capability.
Office temperature and humidity levels are also key factors that undermine people’s productivity and wellbeing. We all instinctively know that poor office conditions lead to dissatisfied, unproductive and unwell building … Continue reading “Constructing Excellence supported research shows high CO2 concentrations in offices are decreasing people’s cognitive capability.”
New Report – Improving Productivity in the Workplace: Lessons learnt and insights from the Whole Life Performance Plus project
Constructing Excellence has been researching the impact of the built environment on organisational performance and value since its earliest days. Its aim is to ensure that the real estate delivered … Continue reading “New Report – Improving Productivity in the Workplace: Lessons learnt and insights from the Whole Life Performance Plus project”
Integrated data systems meeting
On Monday 26th February, Constructing Excellence asset management group held their latest theme group meeting on Integrated data systems. Building on the last meeting’s topic of ‘Big data’, the session focus was … Continue reading “Integrated data systems meeting”
Constructing Excellence delighted to support biophilic design research project connecting buildings with nature
A live office refurbishment will provide environmental and human data as evidence for positive health and wellbeing impacts on office occupants Constructing Excellence is a dissemination partner on The Biophilic … Continue reading “Constructing Excellence delighted to support biophilic design research project connecting buildings with nature”
How to improve business productivity and return on investment?
Businesses are striving harder than ever to hold on to a sustainable competitive advantage, and attract customers and staff – often while reducing cost. For most UK businesses buildings are … Continue reading “How to improve business productivity and return on investment?”
Where’s that big opportunity for big data use?
By John O’Brien – Constructing Excellence Asset Management Theme Group Chair On Wednesday last week Constructing Excellences asset management group met with UCL Centre for Data Science at UCL to discuss … Continue reading “Where’s that big opportunity for big data use?”
Improving higher education performance through estates management
UK universities are facing more competition than ever before in the battle to attract students, staff and, crucially, funding. These pressures are forcing their estates to work much harder and … Continue reading “Improving higher education performance through estates management”