Cardiff University is quite simply an exceptional client that have worked extremely hard over the last four years of their first Building Consultant’s framework to deliver exceptional work and projects that will improve the lives of the users of their buildings. Their forward vision is to be a world-leading, research-excellent, educationally outstanding university, driven by creativity and curiosity, which fulfils its social, cultural and economic obligations to Cardiff, Wales, the UK, and the world.
Implicit within the above mission-statement and through strong leadership, is their desire to enhance and improve the Student Experience and attract the best students.
In December 2015, Cardiff University adopted its first Building Consultancy Framework, with the Contractors Framework shortly after, for all construction projects. Amongst the goals set for this, they were keen to change the culture to strive for better value for money, collaboration, creativity and a streamlined supply chain.
This aspiration came with great challenge and everyone involved in this framework from the client to the contractor team and consultancy team needing to give 110% to create a bright future and a culture of leading by example.
The skill-sets and experience of both Consultants and Contractors has been matched to the wide-ranging projects offered, from refurbishments of halls of residence, extensions, feasibilities, lecture theatres and laboratories. To add to the challenge, this Estate is not a campus site and instead is spread across a wide geographic area within Central Cardiff, with varied construction types and ages with unique maintenance demands.