The intention was to co-locate two different schools in one building, St Benedict’s Catholic Secondary School with 1050 pupils and Mayfield SEN School serving 150 children with a diverse range of acute needs. The difficulty of incorporating so many stakeholders into the decision-making
process made collaboration and early engagement vital for this project. This was a complex build, completed to budget, on time (taking into account agreed client-led extension for additional fittings with zero accidents and AFR/RIDDOR injuries onsite with over 383,975 hours worked.
Maximising local value/spend was a key factor in procurement. The main client, Cumbria Council, worked with us to set social value targets ahead of delivery, ultimately delivering 63% of local spend against our agreed target of 60%. The fact that a successful build, well received by client and
end users, was achieved with zero accidents, on time and to budget, incorporating unique design and specialist fittings, was a credit to Wates’ flexibility and innovative practices as well as the cooperation and effort from all parties involved.

Civils Project of the Year: Campus Whitehaven