Huddersfield Royal Infirmary is a busy acute hospital, almost 50 years old it requires ongoing maintenance and upgrading to ensure compliancy with legislation and that high levels of patient care are maintained. Our team have to provide solutions and resources to deal with many challenges, including:
- Funding issues, the trust has a deficit of circa £20.0m and £92m backlog maintenance challenge
- Providing a safe working environment for nearly 6,000 employees
- Providing the best patient experience and compassionate care for 438,000 people treated on annual basis
- Delivering works within a busy acute hospital and adjoining live clinical areas
- Maintaining critical services 24/7, including ICT, medical gases and electricity
- Finding solutions to poor access on a complex site with restricted parking
- Dealing with multiple stakeholders and decanting facilities efficiently
- Delivering a diverse mixture of projects from minor to major works
- Responding quickly when funding streams become available
- Working within residential areas with noise restrictions
- Addressing Care Quality Commission findings and Francis Report recommendations
- Maintaining blue light services and red routes that operate on and near the site
- Dealing with the unknown, including mitigating the threat of asbestos
We are like many trusts but we are adopting a different collaborative and innovative approach to address these challenges. We embrace technology and have developed a clear strategy to successfully deliver a number of objectives to ensure we deliver the highest clinical outputs for patients and staff whilst ensuring value for money.