Business Case Presentation

Framework officers present their business case for a construction programme, which includes frameworking as the procurement method.

Regulatory officers, representatives of clients and users, and representatives of the framework service delivery team will be asked to comment on the business case. Eventually, members will be asked to approve the business case.

Presentations will be needed for the various stakeholder groups:

  • Members
  • Regulatory officers
  • Clients and users
  • Framework service delivery team.

Fit for purpose checklist

This Fit for purpose checklist (see Appendix 4) is for anyone asked to review the business case.

Make sure the business case ‘adds up’ against this checklist before give your approval.

Members should note in particular any proposal to change standing orders, policies and practices. They should know the views of regulatory officers and all other stakeholders before reaching their decision.

Regulatory officers should make sure the scope of the programme and the proposed framework agreement(s) satisfy The Prudential Code. They should note any proposal to change standing orders, policies and practices. Ensure everyone in their team understands and is comfortable with these changes.

Clients and users should be satisfied that the framework will ensure the facilities are suitable for the services to be delivered to the end users.

The framework service delivery team should be satisfied that the processes for designing, building, operating and maintaining the facilities will be consistent with best practice.

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