Durham Investigative Hub

Constructing Excellence

The Durham Investigative Hub is a stand-out project, showcasing what can be achieved through true collaboration and teamwork. The project team embraced the social value goals, fully engaging with local businesses and the community, to deliver an incredible 163% social return on investment.

From the outset the whole team worked together to identify ways to not only meet, but also improve on the targets that had been agreed at tender stage. Working in collaboration with our supply chain and social value experts, we were able to deliver economic, environmental, wellbeing, and social benefits, e.g. we created employment opportunities, supported skills and training, helped reduce carbon emissions, supported local charities and community groups, hosted site visits, and benefitted the local economy through local spend.

The team at Durham understood that delivering social value is about more than just ticking boxes, and the results speak for themselves. Their commitment was rooted in their ethical and moral obligation to contribute to and make improvements for the local community.

Three Winning Facts:
  1. The project delivered an amazing 163% SROI measured using Compliance Chain proxy values as part of the Procure Partnerships framework.
  2. The client was so delighted with the achievements of the team that they held a day to celebrate the social value on the project.
  3. Throughout the project three new employment opportunities were created for local people, included those facing higher than average barriers to work and people with disabilities.