Baxall Construction Limited

Constructing Excellence

The key challenges facing Baxall (as an SME) include:
 Competition (larger and smaller)
 Modernisation
 Staff retention and capability/ skill
 Sustainable profit
 Return on investment
Baxall have maintained a positive trend in turnover and profitability over the last 4 years. The company has in place an active Business Plan (reviewed twice yearly) to ensure actions remain on target.
2016: £23m
2017: £23m
2018: £26m (currently being audited) 2019: £29m (predicted)
This steady growth in turnover is accounted to a structured, controlled and well managed strategy for growth and development which has included:
 Analysis of the company strengths and skillsets as a business
 Analysis of available markets and types of work
 Identifying how to be more efficient and profitable in a competitive marketplace
This has been achieved by:
 Concentrating on repeat clients
 Significant investment into the company Learning & Development function and staff development
with dedicated leadership (Contracts Director/ Learning & Development Manager Steve Turner FCIOB)
 Continued focus on Frameworks as a procurement route; Baxall were successfully awarded places on the Metropolitan Police, Orbis and ESFA (DfE) Construction Frameworks in 2017/ 2018
 Spearheading and leading the way for SMEs via further innovation investment and training (notably BIM and Modern Methods of Construction)
 Ongoing promotion of Baxall’s Buildings Built on Teamwork’ ethos of collaborative working with clients, consultants and supply chain partners
 Supply chain engagement and training programmes