The key challenges facing Baxall (as an SME) include:
Competition (larger and smaller)
Staff retention and capability/ skill
Sustainable profit
Return on investment
Baxall have maintained a positive trend in turnover and profitability over the last 4 years. The company has in place an active Business Plan (reviewed twice yearly) to ensure actions remain on target.
2016: £23m
2017: £23m
2018: £26m (currently being audited) 2019: £29m (predicted)
This steady growth in turnover is accounted to a structured, controlled and well managed strategy for growth and development which has included:
Analysis of the company strengths and skillsets as a business
Analysis of available markets and types of work
Identifying how to be more efficient and profitable in a competitive marketplace
This has been achieved by:
Concentrating on repeat clients
Significant investment into the company Learning & Development function and staff development
with dedicated leadership (Contracts Director/ Learning & Development Manager Steve Turner FCIOB)
Continued focus on Frameworks as a procurement route; Baxall were successfully awarded places on the Metropolitan Police, Orbis and ESFA (DfE) Construction Frameworks in 2017/ 2018
Spearheading and leading the way for SMEs via further innovation investment and training (notably BIM and Modern Methods of Construction)
Ongoing promotion of Baxall’s Buildings Built on Teamwork’ ethos of collaborative working with clients, consultants and supply chain partners
Supply chain engagement and training programmes