Constructing Excellence is a Supporter of the Modern Slavery and Ethical Labour Construction Leadership Symposium 2018 The third annual one, this year’s Symposium takes place on 27 September 2018 in Central London. We are also supporting its companion event, the inaugural 2018 Annual Top100 Corporate Influencers’ Index and black tie Recognition Dinner, to be held on the evening of 26 September 2018 in Central London.
The construction industry leading, high profile Symposium takes an intelligence led, supply chain approach to demonstrate, through knowledge contributions how the leading companies and organisations are driving best practice to exceed the Modern Slavery Act (2015) compliance requirements. In doing so, they mitigate their risks, demonstrate robust and responsible governance, provide professional guidance, enhance their reputations, improve efficiencies, and create competitive advantage.
The 2018 Annual UK Top100 Corporate Modern Slavery Influencers’ Index recognises individuals from all business sectors, academia and the media who are influence leaders in raising awareness to end modern slavery and labour exploitation; those who advocate for robust ethical sourcing and human rights recognition and practices in UK direct business operations and global supply chains. The rankings of the Top100 will be revealed at the black tie Recognition Dinner, hosted by Baroness Young of Hornsey OBE.
Constructing Excellence members can book at discounted rate of £495 for both at An individual Symposium ticket is priced £345, and £275 for the Top100 Corporate Influencers’ Index Recognition Dinner.
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