Constructing Excellence is delighted to launch a new Sustainable Infrastructure Group in partnership with CEEQUAL and the ICE. CEEQUAL is the evidence-based sustainability assessment rating and awards scheme for civil engineering, infrastructure, landscaping and public realm projects. It was established by the ICE and now sits as part of the BREEAM family of sustainability rating schemes within the BRE Group. It covers projects from small scale bridge refurbishments to large projects such as Crossrail and Queensferry Crossing. It acts as a framework to enable better decisions and embed triple-bottom line sustainability throughout the project lifecycle.
The Sustainable Infrastructure Group will bring together the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) Constructing Excellence members, CEEQUAL assessors and those involved in CEEQUAL projects to share best practice, share challenges and key learning outcomes. This cross-supply chain, multidisciplinary approach to problem solving will enable us to delve deep into the factors impacting the delivery of sustainable infrastructure. The group was launched alongside CEEQUAL Version 6 at the ICE on 27 June. CEEQUAL Version 6 brings in some of the grand challenges affecting sustainability today including resilience, whole life carbon, circular economy and ecology. Version 6 also merges, and replaces, the methodologies of the BREEAM Infrastructure (Pilot) scheme together with CEEQUAL Version 5.
Our first workshop will take place on 26 September in Birmingham and will consider Embedding Sustainability into Project Strategy. The workshop will discuss both the barriers and enablers to achieving full consideration of sustainability in these early project stages.