NCH 2050 Homes

Constructing Excellence

Two of the most significant issues facing the construction sector are (1) how do they retrofit 26m+ existing homes within the next 20 years to achieve net zero carbon and (2) how do they increase the use of MMC to address the productivity and skills gap and deliver improved quality outcomes.

Their Energiesprong retrofit project in Nottingham is addressing both these issues, with the innovative use of offsite manufactured structural timber panels to radically improve the airtightness and thermal insulation of the building fabric.

The fabric first approach allows the efficient and effective use of electric heat pumps along with solar PV and battery storage as part of a whole house net zero solution.

To minimise disruption, reduce on site installation time, and to develop an industrialised approach to retrofit, extensive use was made of off-site manufacture.

The use of offsite manufacture was also key to delivering enhanced quality assurance and confidence that the installation would meet the defined performance outcomes.


Three Winning Facts:
  1. Carbon emissions reduced by circa 80%
  2. Energy bills reduced by circa 70%
  3. Productivity increased by 50%