Hertfordshire Building Control

Constructing Excellence

Hertfordshire Building Control (HBC) has shown foresight and leadership in addressing the systemic problems of the local authority building control departments in eight of the Hertfordshire Local Authorities by successfully combining them into one organisation and has established a template for other LABC departments throughout England. In delivering this strategy HBC has set the standard by transforming its services through innovation, staff development and process improvement all to the significant benefit of the councils, businesses, and residents in Hertfordshire.

Bringing on the next generation of Build Control Surveyors is paramount. From having a business where the average employee age was 55 years old in 2016, something urgently needed to be done. Part of our challenge in recruiting younger surveyors was that those close to retirement remain with the organisation long enough to train them and ensure that they can carry the mantle of local authority building control into the next decade.

In addressing the structural problems of an ageing workforce, transforming the organisation into a truly customer focussed one and delivering significant cost savings to councils, HBC has excelled. 15 of our staff have competencies to manage high risk residential buildings. We have the competencies to support our customers in the most complex of building projects and the blend of youth and experience to ensure our long-term sustainability in the face of more competency testing to come.


Three Winning Facts:
  1. Achieving Gold accreditation, from the 5% club 2022/23 for having a third of the workforce on ‘earn and learn’ schemes.
  2. Sharing experience and knowledge internally and externally to encourage training and development within the industry.
  3. Acting as a beacon for other Local Authority Building Control departments.