A masterplan was developed to regenerate Gedling Country Park, providing a lasting legacy into the mining heritage of Gedling, with this new community focussed facility at it’s centre.
The successful delivery of this building has kick-started growth and development within the Borough by attracting high volumes of visitors, maximising public health within the area and self-sustainability with monies generated through ‘Bean Culture’ a local catering service based within the Visitor’s Centre.
The scheme has met all of the objectives set by Gedling Borough Council and multiple stakeholders in terms of its design, the construction process and as a finished building, which is designed to look like a piece of coal.
The success of this scheme is the result of a team of passionate and dedicated construction professionals who embraced collaborative working and became a single entity to deliver this community facility on time and within budget to an exceptional quality.
A partnering relationship was fostered to develop the scheme in line with the Council’s vision and key requirements and everybody worked as one team to successfully deliver the scheme.