Recognising that changes in market profile with large multidisciplinary organisations sweeping up all the work were a threat to their growth, David Miller Architects set out to disrupt the prevalent procurement ecosystem and find their way into larger, complex supply chains. They identified the adoption of digital techniques as a major ‘disrupter’ and, whilst change management is the biggest challenge to any organisation, as a small company they had the advantage for rapid and agile repositioning. Through their approach, they are creating new opportunities to develop expertise; increasing efficiencies in the delivery of built projects and unlocking a raft of client benefits. In addition, collaborative working practices are enabling other SME suppliers and supply chain partners to advance alongside and they are making strides to bring young people, women and under-represented groups into the construction sector.
In 2007 DMA was a microbusiness with only four employees. Today, they have a thriving practice of twenty with a growing portfolio of successes achieved. They have been able to demonstrate that a digital approach is a viable business model for small practices if they are to achieve future growth and prosperity.